Vilnius Lyceum

Saulius Jurkevičius, Principal

Jolita Milaknienė, Vice-Principal for Studies

Vilija Balčiūnaitė, Vice-Principal, IB Coordinator

Vilnius Lyceum   
Sirvintu str. 82   
Vilnius LT 08216   
tel./fax: (+370 5) 2775836   


Founded in 1990, Vilnius Lyceum is a state coeducational day school enrolling students in Grades 9 to12. The total number of students is 550, including 81 students in the International Baccalaureate section.

Vilnius Lyceum aims to provide stimulating environment for talented and highly-motivated students so that they can pursue quality education, develop and manifest their individual skills and abilities, maintain communication based on democratic values, and increase their civic, cultural, patriotic and international awareness.Vilnius Lyceum is a modern, receptive to innovation educational establishment with a dynamic, creative, open-minded community ready to accept academic challenges and act with integrity and honesty. The ultimate goal of the school is to educate individuals who have developed a strong sense of pride and dignity, acknowledge their reponsibility for the well-being of their country and are able to live and create in the rapidly changing contemporary world. Vilnius Lyceum aims to provide stimulating environment for talented and highly-motivated students so that they can pursue quality education, develop and manifest their individual skills and abilities, maintain communication based on democratic values, and increase their civic, cultural, patriotic and international awareness.


The school is modelled on European gymnasium-type school traditions and offers a rigorous programme, based on national syllabus, which aims at a well-rounded and comprehensive preparation of students in the major academic areas. In 1997, the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme was introduced.

National school curriculum:

Subject Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12
Number of teaching hours [45 min.] per week
      Level B Level A Level A+ Level B Level A Level A+
LITHUANIAN (native language) 4 5 3 5-6 6 2-3 5-6 6
1ST FOREIGN LANGUAGE 3 3 - - - - - -
2ND FOREIGN LANGUAGE 2 2 - - - - - -
HISTORY 2 2 2 3-4 4 2 3-4 4
GEOGRAPHY 2 2 2 3 - 2 3 -
MATHEMATICS 4 5 3 4-5 6 2-3 5-6 6
TECHNOLOGIES (information, biochemical) - 2.5 - - - - - -
PHYSICS 2 2 2 3 - 2 4 -
BIOLOGY 2 1-2 2 3-4 - 2 4 -
CHEMISTRY 2 2 2 2-3 - 2 4 -
ARTS 1 1 2 - - 2 - -
MUSIC 1 1 2 - - 2 - -
PE 2 2 2 - - 2 - -
SOCIAL SERVICE 20* 20* 0 0

* hours per year

Year 9 and 10 students have to take all the subjects required in the curriculum.

Year 11 and 12 students choose their programme of 28 to 32 teaching hours per week, including subjects from different academic areas to be studied over two years. Minimum 9 to maximum 12 subjects are taken at extended level (A) or at standard level (B). Different number of teaching hours is allotted per subject and per level. School-based advanced course at Level A+ is offered in Lithuanian, Mathematics, and History to students who seek deeper studies in the subject.

International Baccalaureate World School

IB diploma programme

The following are the subjects offered for 2015-2017
  Subject Area Subjects
 Group 1  Studies in Language and Literature  Lithuanian A: Literature; English A: Language and Literature
 Group 2  Language Acquisition  English B, German B, French B, French Ab Initio, Spanish Ab Initio
 Group 3  Individuals & Societies  History, Psychology, Economics, Geography
 Group 4  Experimental Sciences  Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Environmental Systems, Computer Science
 Group 5  Mathematics  Mathematics
 Group 6  Electives  a second subject from Groups 2 - 4


Candidates for the Diploma study six subjects selected from the subject groups. Normally three subjects are studied at higher level (courses representing 240 teaching hours), and the remaining three subjects are studied at standard level (courses representing 150 teaching hours). All three parts of the core – Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) – are compulsory and are central to the philosophy of the Diploma Programme.

The language of instruction is English.


New students are enrolled in the classes of Year 9 (national syllabus) and IB1 (International Baccalaureate Diploma programme). To be admitted, students have to sit entrance examinations.


There are 49 full time and 2 part time teachers who work in four classes in Year 9; five classes in Year 10; four in Year 11; four in Year 12; and two IB classes – IB1(Year 11) and IB2 (Year 12). An average class size is 27 students; in the IB section 20 students.


School year 2015/16: from September 1 to June 3; IB Section to June 10. School holidays: October 26 – 30, December 28 – January 8, March 21-25, June 6 – August 31. The school year consists of two semesters with one examination session in spring.

Graduation requirements

To be awarded the Brandos Atestatas (the national certificate of secondary education), Year 12 students are required to have final grades in all subjects studied over the two final years. In addition, they have to pass at least 3 state graduation exams (centrally prepared and externally assessed).

Students who have completed their studies with final grades 9 and 10 and have passed their graduation exams with points higher than 85, are awarded Cum Laude Brandos Atestatas for the highest academic achievements.Students who take the IB Diploma Programme have to meet the requirements issued by the IBO.

Grading System

National students are assessed on the 10 grade scale, where 10 is the highest grade; IB students are assessed on the 7 grade scale, where 7 is the highest grade.

Students are awarded grades for oral and written activities, projects, experimental work, etc. in the course of a semester. At the end of each semester, they are given the grade average (or semester grade) in each subject. At the end of a school year, students are given final grades which are averages of semester and school exam grades.


Students are ranked at the end of a semester and at the end of a school year on the basis of the grade average. IB students are ranked separately because of a different type of the syllabus and grading system and more rigorous assessment requirements.


  2013 2014 2015
Graduation State Examinations: year 2013, 2014, 2015
Subject Number of candidates Average grade Number of candidates Average grade Number of candidates Average grade
LITHUANIAN 103 84.3 92 82.9 118 86.9
ENGLISH 83 98.8 90 97.8 111 97.7
HISTORY 38 92.0 39 81.6 36 92.9
GEOGRAPHY - - - - 4 97.3
MATHEMATICS 94 96.3 90 88.9 111 96.6
PHYSICS 28 93.4 26 90.2 25 92.6
CHEMISTRY 31 91.6 22 96.2 24 86.7
BIOLOGY 32 94.3 36 90.8 41 95.1
IT 12 90.7 13 95.1 24 89.8
GERMAN - - - - 1 100
FRENCH 1 99.0 3 94.0 2 90.5

International Baccalaureate Examinations: May 2012, May 2013, May 2014, May 2015 School Statistics